Taking a week off—don't make this mistake!

I wrote this email several days ago.

By the time it sends, I should be hiking a mountain on the beautiful island of Madeira.

Today’s a short one to explain why.

Let’s dive in.

But before we do...

Chris Orzechowski is one of the best email marketers in the game.

He has a massively popular monthly report called 'Make it Rain' sharing real-time strategies from his agency and has kindly made the first edition available for free.

It's usually $100, so I highly recommend checking it out.

Why your work ethic is holding you back

Most entrepreneurs say work ethic is the biggest predictor of success.

And I agree, you don’t need to be smart or special when you’re unreasonably persistent.

But I’m close to four years in my business and I’ve noticed another quality creep up.

One that I’m rubbish that. One that’s easy to ignore. One that will either make you a tonne of cash or cost it.

Rest ethic.

Now before the hustlers grab their pitchforks, hear me out.

I’m one of you. I’ve got the chip on my shoulder and point to prove too. You tell me to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week for years and I’ll plonk myself in front of the computer no problemo (if the carrot is enticing enough).

But working hard does not mean working smart.

You can be so goddamn busy you don’t have time to think.

And on a long enough timeframe, the thinker will always beat the hustler. Especially online, especially with leverage. Judgement and creativity are the two most important skills. Both require space.

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Kieran Drew
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10:32 AM • Mar 6, 2024

That’s why I’ve booked a week off to Madeira.

It’s my first solo trip.

I won’t lie, I’m a chicken when it comes to this sorta stuff (any tips appreciated).

When I was a dentist, solo travelling was always part of my writing dream. Ironically once I quit drilling, I’ve been having so much fun I never saw a reason to leave my flat. This holiday’s a little test.

My plan is to hike, read, and explore.

I’ll dabble in a little bit of writing too, but nothing work-related. Just thinking about life and where I’d like it to go.

I hope you take these pauses, too (you don’t need to fly to an island to relax).

Don’t get lost in the blur of success.




I'm starting to put together my next course, High Impact Emails. This is for you if you're a thought leader looking to build your list through high quality emails. Date TBD, I'm aiming for summer. You can hop on the waitlist by ​clicking here​ (as always, I promise it'll be great!).

Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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