Kieran Drew is a hypocrite

Last week, I sent an unfortunate message to my affiliates.

I’d promised they could help launch Magnetic Emails.

But I since changed my mind, explaining the launch would be private.

No affiliates. No advertising. No selling on social media either.

For reference, my last launch grossed 6 figures. Affiliate sales were 40% of the income. And I have 239,000 followers across social media platforms.

So it’s a considerable chunk of business I’m throwing away.

Why am I doing this?

Because I was being a hypocrite.

Two week ago, I was walking with a friend when he asked how the launch would go.

My reply:

“I’m not sure if will work, but I know I couldn’t have worked harder. Besides, it’s not about how good the launch is. It’s about how good the product is.”

But as I said that, it didn’t feel right.

Here I was preaching about building a great product, but I was also setting up affiliate and social media strategies.

My actions were not aligned with my intentions.

A quote from Naval Ravikant popped into my mind:

"You're doing sales because you failed at marketing. You're doing marketing because you failed at product."

He means that a great product markets itself. I’ve experienced first-hand how fulfilling it is when customers share your stuff for you.

So I asked myself a question:

How can I make this a better product instead of a bigger launch?

I knew it was a good shift in direction because all anxiety faded. I’ve always said fans should come first anyway.

If you want a long-term business, revenue should be by-product of relationships.

So the first launch of Magnetic Emails is only available to you, my email subscriber.

This means you’ll get access and a level support I couldn’t have offered otherwise.

You’ll be invited to a private founding member forum where you can meet other entrepreneurs, trade email strategies, ask questions, and get feedback.

I’m also holding three separate live calls:

  • A clarity call Q&A so you can get tailored feedback
  • A training sharing 7 strategies to grow your newsletter from 0 to 1,000 and beyond (free and paid tactics, on and off social media)
  • A behind-the-scenes call where I share how I built my email business to $500k/year

These calls will help accelerate your email progress so you can attract deeper relationships, a stronger reputation, and of course, more revenue.

Best part?

You get them for free.

And in exchange, I’d love your feedback so I can keep improving the product before I launch publicly (which won’t be for at least several months).

If growing your brand and business is a priority in 2024 and beyond, the Magnetic Email System will be a fantastic resource.

It’s available in 2 days time.

I’ll be in touch then, but you can also join over 2500 entrepreneurs on the waitlist by clicking here.

Speak soon,



If you purchased High Impact Writing, you know how I roll with customers.

There will be more material added—sharing strategies I’ve learned from launches and so on.

When you become a founding member, you lock in at the lowest price and will receive any future updates for free. You can get in on the ground floor by grabbing it next week. Or pick it up in the future, but likely at a higher cost.

Sign me up to the waitlist.

Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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