My plans for the next 6 months (and why travelling was a difficult decision)

Cheers for your attention during the launch last week. I’ll share the results next week—I’d like to crunch the data into something useful for you.

Today, I want to talk about what I’m up to for the next 6 months in my personal and business life (although there’s not much difference between the two!).

Before we dive in...

Would you like to grow your newsletter 2x fast?

Last month, I hopped on a call with my friend Jason Resnick to discuss email strategies. He is a fountain of knowledge. And he just put together a 13 point checklist to help you create high converting landing pages for your newsletter.

You can grab it here for free:

Last week, I left the U.K. to try my hand at the digital nomad life.

I’d always dreamed of writing and travelling the world. There’s a certain allure to joining the writers who have given the finger to the conventional life.

But when I considered travelling, I found it difficult to make the move.


For a reason that might seem silly to most, but understandable to some:

I was terrified it would slow me down in business.

See, I’m a huge advocate for hard work.

So for the past 3 years, I’ve lived a highly routined, disciplined life as I pursued becoming a writer and entrepreneur.

And I’m grateful to say it’s paid off beyond all expectations—my original plan was to just cover my costs as a writer!

But achieving success is a bit like drinking saltwater: you only end up more thirsty.

Every milestone reveals a new mountain to climb. Every win gives you the guts to go bigger. Every challenge motivates you to see how far things can go.

And the game of business is great fun

But you can spend your whole life chasing the future without realising the only time that matters is the present.

This trap is especially true online.

You and I are not designed to be connected 24/7. And whilst the online opportunities are amazing, the FOMO is incredible, too.

For example, when I began thinking about travelling, doubts began to creep up.

“What if you don’t make as much money?” “What if you don’t become as good of a writer?” “Why aren’t you launching YouTube like everyone else?”

That’s when I knew I had to take the trip.

I’m a firm believer that you should follow fear, not flee it. Because until recently, I’ve spent my life doing the latter.

But each time I’ve done what scares me most, new, exciting, and fulfilling paths open up.

And isn’t that the point of life?

We make so many decisions based on what others think, on how good or bad we might look to the tribe, on the imaginary consequences of failure, that we rub away our unique edges until we fit into the prettily packaged box society expects of us.

I don’t know about you FIRSTNAME, but that scares me.

I’d hate to look back and realise I lived a prescribed life, when I could’ve built my own.

So I’ve decided to go travelling as a challenge.

A challenge to be OK with experiencing other parts of life except the chase. A challenge to update the map of reality and find new perspectives. A challenge to let go and let curiosity take the reins.


I’m not becoming a hippie.

I will always love ‘work’ because writing is the greatest gift in my life. I’m grateful to say I don’t need to travel the world to find the thing that lights me up.

But I plan on enjoying more freedom.

Freedom to explore, but also freedom to think. Because it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the rat race when you’re in the thick of it.

But the more I think, the more I realise there’s so much we’ve been conditioned to not see. So many beliefs that are not really our own.

I’ll share more of these thoughts as I work through them.

But I’ve got plenty of good stuff to share about the business, too.

So I’ll be in touch next week with a breakdown the Magnetic Email launch.

Appreciate your attention,



I don’t know if I’m alone when I write about these things.

Does it resonate with you?

One difficulty with creating content is that, much like with life, you fall into a pattern—saying what’s easy or expected.

But this is the stuff I can’t stop thinking about. Every year that passes convinces me ideas like fear, perspective, and awareness are the most important topics. But I avoid writing about them because I find myself thinking, ‘who are you to say these things?’.

Would love to touch base if this struck a chord.


On Instagram? I’ll be sharing more photos over there.

Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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