My favourite idea about living a good life

Before we dive in...

I suck at LinkedIn

But it’s the hottest platform for writers right now. My friend Lara Acosta has taught me everything I need to know to take advantage.

Last Wednesday, I finished a 6 week recovery from a broken foot.

But my first week of freedom hasn’t quite gone to plan.

If you missed the original email, I snapped a bone when jumping down a waterfall on a hiking holiday. Safe to say, not much hiking got done. When I returned to the UK the doctors slapped me in a boot and told me to sit tight for 6 weeks.

I thought it would be easy… stay in my flat and write all day?

No problemo.

But reality had different plans.

I didn’t realise how important walking is for your mental health. For reference, I used to walk 90-120 minutes a day. I’d walk to write. I’d walk to think. I’d walk to unwind.

By week 3, my mind was crumbling.

The only saving grace was I could spend hundreds of hours building Magnetic Emails (it’s looking great by the way, you can hop on the waitlist here).

But by every evening, I felt rotten.

So I started walking again—just 15 minutes 4x a day.

And you know what? Life got good. You appreciate the small things when they’re taken away from you.

As the 6 week mark rolled closer, I was excited to get back to normal.

On a warm summer’s evening, I stepped outside without my boot for the first time. Taking a deep breath of freedom-filled air, I began my stroll.


Turns out, I now walk like a weirdo.

I have an awkward limp and I’m being overtaken by old men with walking sticks. I can shuffle for 20 minutes before my foot begins grumbling at me to return home.

Only this time Reader, I’m loving it.


Because few things in life are great at the beginning. In fact, the harder the challenge, the bigger the hump you need to climb.

Learning a new skill. Starting a new business. Launching a new offer.

…recovering from a broken foot.

The initial pain is only a problem when you expect otherwise. It’s part of the process. A feature, not a bug.

Reminding yourself that the start is supposed to suck makes it easier to bear. One day you’ll look back and realise every struggle was a small step inside a much bigger, beautiful dance.

Life marches on regardless, you might as well enjoy it.

Hope this helps,



You might be wondering why the hell Magnetic Emails is taking hundreds of hours to write.

Perhaps you think the course might end up overwhelming…

But it’s not that I’m adding more material, it’s that I’m refining it. I’ve now written 5 drafts of the course and will do one more round before recording.

Each revision makes the material more clear and concise. The frameworks and templates are incredibly simple and easy to use. I’m hoping this will be one of the best courses you take if you want to write engaging emails to grow your business.

It’s certainly the best I’ve built.

…Like the expression goes, if I had more time, I’d write a shorter letter.

I’ve also decided the launch will be private—just to you, my email reader.

No affiliates. No social media. No advertising. Why? Because I want to work closely with those as excited about building their writing business as I am. This means you’ll get exclusive webinars, content, community support, and more.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, the launch is on 1st of September.

You can join 1689 people on the waitlist by clicking here.

Speak soon, I’m off for my afternoon limp.

Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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