Course announcement

I’m building a course on how to write engaging emails.

The plan was to launch in a month. But I want to make it excellent for you, so I’m spending more time on the writing and resource building. The launch will be on the 1st of September (you can hop on the waitlist by clicking here).

Although I’m glad for the delay.

Let me tell you why.

But first…

Do you want to make $100,000 in 30 days?

My friend Rob O’Rouke set himself this challenge 16 days ago and he’s been building in public since. He’s already at the $46,000 mark. But more importantly, he’s sharing so many sales secrets along the way that everyone wins (I’ve been taking plenty of notes).

If you’re a coach, creator, or consultant I highly recommend signing up for his email list.

I was going to call the course High Impact Emails.

But two weeks ago, I read something that cracked my confidence in the name. It’s an important marketing concept, so I figured I’d share it with you.

The idea comes from the (excellent) book The 22 Laws of Immutable Marketing by Al Reis and Jack Trout.

Specifically Law 12—the Law of Line Extension.

Reis and Trout explain that one of corporate America’s biggest mistakes is attempting to extend a brand's equity.

Their words:

“In a narrow sense, line extension involves taking the brand name of a successful product and putting it on a new product you plan to introduce.”

T’was a bit of a slap in the face.

I picked High Impact Emails because my first course, High Impact Writing, is fairly popular now.

I thought I was being clever by leveraging the reputation.

Hell, I even planned on building all my offers under the same label.

But this is precisely what Trout and Reis warn against. The short-term boost in recognition comes at a long-term cost in perception. Companies make this decision because it seems logical, but marketing is an emotional game. And in the eye of the consumer, more is less.

So instead, I’ve decided to name the course Magnetic Emails.

If I’m honest, I prefer it anyway. It fits the course ethos—attracting relationships, reputation, and revenue through writing.

But this email isn’t just a warning against making the same mistake.

I highlight it to explain an important writing lesson, too.

You might think being a writer is about coming up with original concepts.

But in reality, it’s less about creating ideas and more about connecting them—applying what you learn and sharing the results.

This way, you build a brand that’s interesting, useful, and unique.

For example, I don’t own the Law of Line Extension. In fact, almost all my advice is a distillation of what I’ve learned elsewhere. Yet hopefully, you enjoy my content because I’m not pretending to be an expert, just a keen student—a guide, not a guru.

What I’m about to tell you is simple yet effective advice—it’s the path I’ve followed and plan to follow till my fingers inevitably fall off:

Study your niche deeply, but read broadly.

Pay attention to what catches your attention. Any idea that interests you will interest your fans too. The key is applying your personal perspective to make it your own.

It’s a great win-win because the teacher learns the most.

See yourself as a mirror of your curiosity, and you’ll be surprised at the audience you attract.

Hope this sparks some inspiration,



‘Connect, don’t create’ is one of the core concepts from module 2 of Magnetic Emails—Rules of the Email World.

It’s my mission to make it simple for you to focus on what’s important: writing well (without the complications).

So if this sounds like your cup of tea, come join 400 people on the waitlist by clicking the link below.

Put me on the list!

Will be emailing more about what’s to come.

Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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