An idea that will make you a much better writer

Last night, I found a fascinating fact buried in Will Storr’s The Status Game.

It was about the front-facing camera, but it captured an important writing lesson, too.

Let me explain:

In 2003, Sony invented the first front facing camera, intended for business meetings. But by 2019, Google reported that 96 million selfies were taken by Android devices… every day.

Nobody predicted that.

But if there’s one thing predictable about human nature, it’s that we’re completely self-obsessed.

Especially today.

We’re bombarded by marketing messages telling us that we should and could do better. Our phones have trapped us in constant comparison games.

As a result, we’re becoming more narcissistic.

Bad news for society…

But good news for your writing.

Why? Because you’ll stand miles above the crowd if you appeal to self-interest above all else.

For example, I’m building a 1,000-email swipe file as a bonus for my upcoming course, Magnetic Emails.

I’ve read thousands now, but very few have made the cut.

By far the biggest mistake is that writers forget to make an alluring promise as fast as possible.

They expect their reader to hang around.

But attention is not owed. It’s earned.

And the simplest way to do so is to speak about what your reader wants or wants to avoid.

That’s why in Magnetic Emails, the second step of the writing process is to pick the ONE thing guaranteed to get people to care. This way, they’ll always look out for you in your inbox.

…Which is impressive at a time when everyone’s thinking of themselves.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, then the launch of Magnetic Emails is looming. It arrives on September 1st. You can join 770 people already on the waitlist by clicking here.

Hope this helps,



You might be wondering: if self-obsession is so important, why is it only the second step in the Magnetic Email process?

Glad you asked young whippersnapper.

It’s because there’s another step more important than self-interest.

If you skip it, there’s a high chance your emails will never lead to sales.

I’d tell you what that step is, but instead, I’d rather appeal to your self interest.

If you’re an entrepreneur passionate about writing and want to grow your business through engaging, high authority emails, then hop on the waitlist and all shall be revealed.

Sign me up.

Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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