
Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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Think you’re not creative? Search for these 3 signals

Creativity comes naturally to many people. Unfortunately, I’m not one of them. My creative journey ground to a halt when I was 13. I still remember the sting of shame as my art teacher mocked my project in front of the class, telling me to stick to Maths and Science. Perhaps she was right—a cow with machine gun udders is hardly Da Vincian genius. But Supercow could’ve been the next Marvel hero, stopped by a pessimistic adult who was probably just having a shitty day. I stopped being creative...

5 days ago • 5 min read

To scale your business, you must know how to sell through email. You can’t rely on social media or cold outreach. And if you want a great long-term relationship with your reader, neither can you use manipulative sales tactics. You need to send emails that build reputation and relationships just as much as your revenue. So today, I’m going to run you through how I write sales emails using the SLAP technique—including a video breakdown of one I sent this Sunday that grossed $5,136 (it took 45...

20 days ago • 4 min read

I emailed on Wednesday about the High Impact Writing login link being down. It’s back up now, so please use the following link for access: Today, I’m in a creative slump. I’ve been in one for a while now. But I’m going to face it with you in this email. Why with you? Because I’ve been suffering in silence, which is crazy considering the writing I enjoy most comes from being open and honest. Before we dive in… Last week, I was asked for methods I've...

26 days ago • 7 min read

Welcome to March’s business breakdown. Each month, we take a peak under the hood of my business, discussing: Leverage Revenue Growth Today, we’ll discuss the results from my recent launch and why this is the last monthly report I’ll send. Before we dive in... Last month I met a great entrepreneur in London. He runs Prompt Entrepreneur, an AI newsletter. But unlike a lot of AI experts, Kyle has over a decade of business experience, writes great emails, gives tonnes of value away, and knows...

about 1 month ago • 5 min read

Yesterday, I opened my 𝕏 account. The timeline was filled with people saying I should post more. I flicked to Gmail. More people telling me daily emails are the secret to success. I checked out LinkedIn. Everyone’s posting the same content because ‘that’s what's working right now’. On YouTube, 3.7 million videos are uploaded daily — around 271,000 hours of new content. I’m sure TikTok and Instagram are equally flooded. And yet few people are discussing the looming problem of too much...

about 1 month ago • 5 min read

Last month, I started posting on Instagram. If you’ve known me for a while, you know I’m not an IG enthusiast — content should be about how good you think, not how good you look. But my hairline’s on a limited timeframe, so I figured best get started while I can. Now, don’t worry Reader, I’m not here to tell you how to take the best selfie. I’m here to share a much more important idea: how to take faster action. I decided to start Instagram 9 months ago. That 8-month window between decision...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Design your day

I grew up in a military school, so I love discipline and routine. But I always believed creativity was about throwing the structured life in the trash, picturing an electrified-looking Einstein or an earless Van Gogh. Turns out, many clear thinkers swear by constraints to produce great work. This is because the world will devour your time if you don't protect it for what's most important: Learning, thinking, creating. That's why I've been tinkering and testing with my routine over the past...

about 2 months ago • 6 min read

It’s been 2 years since I gave birth to my business (it’s felt that painful at times), but I’ve only just begun to appreciate how powerful leverage is. There’s a famous quote from Archimedes: “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the earth”. But what does he mean by a lever? What about a fulcrum? More importantly, how can we use it to our advantage? Let’s dive into the 5 pillars of leverage. * * * Thank you to everyone who supported the launch of...

2 months ago • 6 min read

“You’re such a hypocrite,” I told myself, staring at my notes. I was reflecting on what makes a good product last month ahead of the revamp of High Impact Writing, trying to work out why I loved certain products and not others. I took two that had stood out over the past year: Eric Jorgenson’s Mountains of Levers John Bejakovic’s Simple Money Emails (this is an affiliate link but for good reason, my favourite explanation of email writing so far) As I peeled apart why these were my favourite,...

3 months ago • 2 min read

I, like any reasonable modern man, spend much of my day thinking about the Roman Empire. I’ve just completed Mary Beard’s ‘An Empire Without Limits’, a 5-hour documentary on the rise and fall of Rome. To my delight, and soon to be to yours, I stumbled across an excellent lesson on the importance of writing from a story about Julius Caesar. Caesar is one of the most famous men in history — having been immortalised through books, plays, movies, and salads (ok, the salad wasn’t named after him,...

3 months ago • 2 min read
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