
Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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Should you send daily emails?

Last night, I dusted off one of my favourite books from 2019, The Great Mental Models by Farnam Street. One lesson leapt out at me: The map is not the territory. It means representations often don’t reflect reality. A map might say one thing, but when you start travelling, the terrain is completely different. Understanding this makes you more adaptable to advice. This is crucial as an entrepreneur—especially if you’re building online. You have so many people telling you what to do. So many...

Last night, I found a fascinating fact buried in Will Storr’s The Status Game. It was about the front-facing camera, but it captured an important writing lesson, too. Let me explain: In 2003, Sony invented the first front facing camera, intended for business meetings. But by 2019, Google reported that 96 million selfies were taken by Android devices… every day. Nobody predicted that. But if there’s one thing predictable about human nature, it’s that we’re completely self-obsessed. Especially...

Of the 570 people on the waitlist for my upcoming Magnetic Emails course, 48% are yet to start a newsletter. The most common reason? They don’t know what to write. It’s funny because you see the email marketing experts pump out effortless daily emails yet many of us struggle to rub two ideas together for one per week. So instead of doing what’s important—getting good at writing and building relationships with your audience—you end up freezing like a deer in headlights. Except in this case,...

I’ve been writing emails for 3 years now. It never fails to surprise me how far the personal touch goes. Most emails are so… boring and business-like. If you can sprinkle in a bit of personality, you will stand out like a firework in the night sky. I’ll give you one simple trick to help today. I’ve been using it for a while now—it’s super effective: Write like you’re sending a letter to a close friend. There’s something about the cold gleam of a word document that makes writing stuffy and...

2 weeks ago, I bought a newsletter. My friend Joe Portsmouth reached out saying he wanted to sell his list to pursue a passion project. We’re in a similar space (he’s a copywriter), but I was apprehensive. It’s a considerable investment with considerable risk. But on June 13th, I told him I was in. What changed? Confidence. Let me explain. A question I’ve been wrestling with recently is, ‘Where are you playing to win vs not to lose?’ I realised a lot of my actions were the latter. Don’t get...

I’m building a course on how to write engaging emails. The plan was to launch in a month. But I want to make it excellent for you, so I’m spending more time on the writing and resource building. The launch will be on the 1st of September (you can hop on the waitlist by clicking here). Although I’m glad for the delay. Let me tell you why. But first… Do you want to make $100,000 in 30 days? My friend Rob O’Rouke set himself this challenge 16 days ago and he’s been building in public since. He’s...

If you combine writing with software, your potential impact is staggering. So today, I’m going to give you what I use to run my business. But we dive in... If you're building your online brand, want more clients, and a bigger audience, my friend Dakota Robertson has a 7-day email course that is fantastically written and jam-packed with good advice. He's dishing it out for free, too. Well worth a look. Check it out here An honest review of my software stack *Please note, this post is plastered...

Last week, I emailed 5 painful mistakes from my recent birthday launch. I don’t want you to think I’m a complete muppet. So today, I’m going to share 5 things that went well. It’s a 5-minute read. Let’s dive in. Always have a ‘reason why’ As a reminder: The launch offer was five exclusive interviews with 6-8-figure writers, including Erica Schneider, Olly Richards, Chris Orzechowski, John Bejakovic, and David Deutsch. The interviews were free for High Impact Writing (HIW) customers and an...

Earlier this month, I ran a birthday launch Some things went well. Others poorly. I wrote a full report but it stretched into a mega email, so I’ve split it over two weeks. Today, we’ll talk about the 5 things that went wrong. It’s a 5 minute read. Let’s dive in. The Birthday Bash breakdown Let’s chat through the offer. I arranged five exclusive interviews with 6-8-figure writers, including Erica Schneider, Olly Richards, Chris Orzechowski, John Bejakovic, and David Deutsch. The interviews...

I wrote this email several days ago. By the time it sends, I should be hiking a mountain on the beautiful island of Madeira. Today’s a short one to explain why. Let’s dive in. But before we do... Chris Orzechowski is one of the best email marketers in the game. He has a massively popular monthly report called 'Make it Rain' sharing real-time strategies from his agency and has kindly made the first edition available for free.It's usually $100, so I highly recommend checking it out. Grab it...