Screw freedom, do this instead

I was ecstatic when I came up with the name Digital Freedom.

If you’ve named anything you’ll appreciate the painful process of coming up with something catchy and meaningful.

But there’s been this nagging voice in the back of my mind over the past few months…

I’ve tried to blank it out - but it keeps creeping back up.

You named Digital Freedom wrong.


I thought freedom was the pinnacle of writing online.

To do what you want, where you want, with who you want. Full autonomy. No more boss.

And I’m not gonna lie Reader, it can be pretty damn sweet.

I haven’t worn trousers midweek in almost 2 years and my ‘office’ is in my kitchen - perfect for a British man trying to overdose on tea.

But I’ve realised freedom isn’t the top priority.

Not if you want to succeed.


Because freedom is about you. Your results. Your life. Your desire.

But you don’t build a business chasing what you want. You build one by helping your audience get what they want.

On helping them achieve freedom.

And I don’t mean the classic quit-your-9-5-and-hit-the-beach kinda freedom.

No sir.

I mean freedom from their problems.

Their pain. Their fears. Their disappointments. Their anxieties.

That’s why we write online.

To share our ideas and help hundreds and thousands of people to become better versions of themselves.

So sure, freedom might be the destination.

But impact is the vehicle.

Online, the creators who rise to the top are focused on making a difference much more than just making money.

But having good intentions and getting your ideas heard are two separate battles.

And unfortunately it’s only getting harder to be heard.

Competition has never been more fierce for creators.

Every niche is saturated…

More and more people flock to the internet as they realise how profitable it can be.

So the chance of rising above the crowd shrinks by the year.

Trust me:

It’s a whole different world out there in 2023 compared to 2020. It’s why ‘big’ creators who found it easy back then struggle to grow now. They’re not smarter than you, they were just earlier.

What’s more, we’ve barely scratched the surface of AI-generated content hitting the market.

Different worlds require different approaches.

So tomorrow, I’ll explain the major roadblocks you face - and what you might do to adapt.

Speak soon,



I have no intentions of rebranding to Digital Impact (freedom is more catchy).

But if I could give you one tip, it’s this:

Surround yourself with creators who care about leaving their mark. Because that attitude is contagious - and it’s what your audience wants to see.

Keep an eye out for my emails over the next 2 days to hear more.

Let me bribe you with free stuff...

Over the past few years, I've read hundreds of books.

Most of them were a waste of time. Some were absolute gems. And if you refer just one friend to Digital Freedom using the link below, I'll send you the ONLY 33 books you need to read to build an incredible creator business.


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PS: You have referred [RH_TOTREF GOES HERE] people so far

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Digital Freedom.

Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!

Kieran Drew

On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)

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